Respected Sir, i was 25 when i had a varicocele surgery done on me way back in 2007, eventually my sperm count increased from 10000 to 20 million then. Later I dint follow up the sperm count i used to masturbate regularly and also had the habit of holding the cum when reaching climax,then again masturbate. In 2010 i was diagnosed with epididymitis then i had antibiotics and i was fine. Offlate i was again experiencing that dragging pain in the scrotum and pain in back if i was standing for long, I am too worried if i could impregnate my future wife as i am about to be married.i consulted the doctor and there is a slight varicocele and i am placing the result of scan below. My doc says i could go ahead marry and if am unable to impregnate in a year i could go for a varicocele surgery. I am too worried scared and stressed.. before two weeks i had a wet dream and the semen was very watery (its been more than a month i quit smoking and alcohol) and am not havin morning woods and even if i have its not that hard. i masturbated today after a 40 days period there was no proper erection and i got ejaculated immediately and the semen was watery although am having proper food habits. kindly advice. my scan reports below. my blood & urine tests showed normal as said by my doc. please help. Right testis -4.0x1.8 cms Left Testis- 4.0x1.6 cms Both Testes are normal in size and shape The echopattern is uniform bilaterally. No evidence of cysts, mass or calcification is seen. The epididymis appears normal bilaterally. THERE IS MINIMAL RIGHT HYDROCELE RIGHT SCROTUM SHOWS MILD DILATION OF VEINS OF 2.2- 2.5 MM AT REST AND 3-3.5MM ON VALSALVA. LEFT SCROTUM SHOWS THROMBOSED DILATED VEINS REVASCULARISED BY COLLATERALS WITH REFLUX MEASURING 3MM AT REST AND 3.5MM ON VASALVA Impression: *EVIDENCE OF GRADE I - II VARICOCELE IN RIGHT AND LEFT SCROTUM AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. *SONOGRAPHICALLY, TESTES AND EPIDIDYMIS APPEAR NORMAL BILATERALLY,BOTH TESTES SHOW GOOD VASCULARITY.